Clear Filters

11 x 17 Ledger Size Card Stock is durable and thick with a smooth white surface that offers rich color reproduction, superior image quality and excellent opacity without the cost of a premium paper. Its dependable performance ensures a trouble-free process so you can focus on creating a superior printed piece. These smooth sheets doesn’t smudge and produce vibrant and attractive prints that will surely draw everyone’s attention.

This cardstock is thick and a non-flimsy, perfect choice for social and business projects from small to large, for decorative purposes, custom-made gifts, scrap-booking, business brochure, cards, marketing paper needs, wall pictures, custom label making for kitchen containers, report covers, menus, table setting card, wonderful journal covers, gift boxes, party invitations, craft projects, crafting kit, school art projects, card making, invitations, announcements, paper crafting and many more!

Made with SFI-certified wood fibres from responsibly-managed North American forests, acid-free and lignin-free for archival quality prints that prevents your cardstock print works from becoming brittle and yellow and making it last considerably longer.

A perfect choice for great and cost-effective solutions for everyday projects. Start creating professional quality projects from the comforts of your home with our 11 x 17 Ledger Size Card Stock!