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5 Essential Supplies for Your Office Desk including Business Envelopes

buy a2 business envelopes

Every office-going person knows that it’s extremely difficult to function without some kind of interaction with memo pads, diaries and post-it notes on a daily basis. In a world where Microsoft Office, Outlook and Word can take care of a variety of functions with the click of a button, there’s one thing they can’t do—they can’t replace those office supplies. Like business envelopes which have been the life force and bedrock of the office world for years.

Here are some reigning stationery office champions:

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Envelope Size Guide: Invitation and Business Envelopes

Image showing business envelopes

In theory, it seems like you’ll effortlessly breeze through the job of buying business envelopes. But in reality, the task requires a lot more knowledge of envelope sizes and why they matter.

Envelopes look plain and simple…until you realize the abundance of varieties and their uses in every industry. Whether you’re a clerk responsible for restocking office supplies or a student submitting your college application, you need to make sure your envelope size fits the purpose of your sending.

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